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K9 Rehabilitation and their amazing work have changed both my life and that of my dog, Shadow, my beautiful Silver Sable German Shepherd. I now have the tools and the confidence to enjoy being out with Shadow rather than simply trying to manage her behaviour. Shadow is 7 years old and can be a real stress head who is prone to displaying nervous aggression around people and unfamiliar dogs. She was previously also prone to unpredictable behaviour. I’d tried numerous trainers who seemed only to want to train me to handle Shadow rather than understand why she was behaving as she was. Then a friend recommended K9 Rehabilitation. Working with Martin and Saph has been the best decision made for both Shadow and myself! Shadow initially worked with Martin alone both muzzled and on lead and I genuinely expected him to tell me she was not suitable for his programme. However, I soon received a short video clip showing me what they were doing together whilst the other dogs were milling around them as a pack. I was so impressed with the calm way that Martin leads them all and how well Shadow responded to him despite her obvious nerves at being around so many strange dogs. Within a matter of a few weekly sessions Shadow was comfortable enough to be unmuzzled and off lead within the pack. Over the coming weeks and months Martin would continue to work with Shadow, myself within the pack, and also introduce my other dog, Ace, to the pack. Each time there was an expectation that Shadow would step up to protect but to my surprise this didn’t happen. Sessions were timed according to Shadow and how mentally tired she was but every week she would come back to me mentally drained but extremely happy. I had forgotten what my dog’ smile looked like until finding Martin. Now she smiles every day! During the Covid 19 pandemic we had two lengthy periods where we couldn’t attend sessions due to Covid travel restrictions. Being a 90-minute commute away we were unable to travel. Both times Shadow has reintegrated back with the pack as if she’s not been away and continues to happily try to initiate play with the other dogs. This is her time to relax, play and just be a dog! I have always felt a quiet calmness within the pack each time I visit and any episodes of inappropriate behaviour are dealt with in the same way. Martin leads them in such a way that the dogs clearly respect and adore being with him and Saph! Regular pictures and videos have continued to reassure me of my decision to work with K9 Rehabilitation as well as giving me a reminder of Shadows journey to date. This has not been a quick fix and 3+ years on I continue to work with K9 Rehabilitation, and with Shadow at home, to help her be a more happy, contented dog. There is a clear love and knowledgeable understanding of ‘the dog’ at K9 Rehabilitation and I wouldn’t hesitate to highly recommend their services to friends and family.

– Shadow’s mum Sarah

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Here is Chase....

Chase came to us as an unpredictable dog, in a nervous aggression. She was a 'silent predator', as she would show no signs of body language and would challenge any dog in sight. Unfortunately Chase was used as a bait dog, so the reason for her reactivity was very understandable! All this poor girl wanted was to know how to be a dog, and socialise with other dogs without thinking they're going to attack her. Chase had to come to us for intense bootcamp, which was everyday for over 2 weeks.

Chase now comes to us twice a week for rebalancing and days to have fun with her friends! The turn around chase has made is incredible! From what she has been through in the past, and for her to now accept dogs and play with every breed of dog.... is amazing!


I couldn't recommend K9 Rehabilitation highly enough. Martin and Saph are just the loveliest father / daughter team, whose passion for dogs is contagious. They have helped our 2-year-old Patterdale Terrier Monty no end. Monty is very anxious and was becoming reactive with other dogs to the point where walking him was becoming incredibly stressful for everyone involved. Spending time in a balanced and calm pack of dogs, and with the experience of Martin and Saph helping him along, Monty is a different dog who now knows how to interact properly. He absolutely loves his sessions there, and knowing that Martin and Saph are always there to offer advice and guidance to keep us on the right track is invaluable for us. It's been an absolute game changer. – Monty’s mum Emilie

Amos, a Romanian rescue, has been with Saph and Martin for over a year, after having to leave his last day care due to reactivity to other dogs and being a bit unpredictable and he has developed and learnt so much! He attends two days a week and cannot wait to see Saph in the morning…  looking out the window waiting for her to arrive. As well as feeling they care a lot for Amos it is also a super professional business and I am so happy Amos is part of the pack!! Xx

– Amos’s mum Michelle

Martin and Saph have worked wonders for our beagle Vinnie. When he first joined he was an energetic tearaway who listened to no one, but he's now a very well socialized and well behaved boy and it wouldn't have happened without their help. – Vinnie’s dad Scott

Our dog Vega, has come on really well since going to Martin and Saphs bootcamp. They have done a brilliant job with him, he used to fight with other dogs and now he plays with them. Well done to them both! – Vega’s mum Pauline


We have a lovely boy Stanley who is a 2 years old Rottie.  He is very protective and due to a few “altercations” with other dogs at another well know local doggie daycare, (who then told us that he was a lovely boy, but the other dogs didn’t like him, so they couldn’t take him anymore), became what we thought was “aggressive” with some other dogs and reactive to strangers – mainly men.  A good friend recommended Martin and he and his team have been amazing.  Stanley has been going to bootcamp Since August 2022.  He loves it and is a different dog!  He is so much calmer when we take him out on walks and will now ignore other dogs unless they get up in his face!  We had a 1 to 1 session with Martin as well and he was able to educate us as owners, in how to behave around this breed and be calm and act as pact leader.  Martin and Saph are so passionate and we are so thankful to them for the difference they have made.  On Bootcamp days, it makes me so happy to know Stan is going to have such a great time with his doggies friends in a structured, safe, calm environment.  Thank you Martin and Saph for all you do 😊- Stanley’s mum Emma


Bella our 2-year-old German shepherd had become reactive after being attacked by another dog when she was 5 months old. Walking her was very stressful as she would bark at people and bark and lunge at other dogs and I had honestly begun to dread walks. Luckily, I was recommended K9 Rehabilitation by a fellow gsd owner. Martin and Saphy are so knowledgeable and I have learnt so much from them.  I could see that Bella was a different dog when I handed her over to Martin and within minutes of being there Bella had stopped barking and was introduced to other dogs and was actually calm. She is learning how to initiate play nicely and loves being with the pack. I now realise that I was passing a lot of my fear from the attack on to Bella and with Martin and Saphy’s help and advice I have got my confidence back and know so much more about reading my dog’s body language- I wholeheartedly recommend them. – Bella’s mum Jo


We are first time owners, and Martin is a family friend. He gave us loads of advice about the breeds we were looking at, and said he’d come with us to view any potential pups we were interested in. When Murphy came to us, we struggled at first, but Martin took him off to K9 two days a week, and what a difference he made. He is so knowledgeable and can “read” dogs and their temperaments straight away. He made time to answer any queries we had, and reassured our fears. Murphy absolutely loves going, he sits by the front door waiting for Martin to pull up. I love the daily updates/photos/videos that are posted, as i get an insight into what he’s up to during the day. I honestly do not think I could have coped as well as I did without K9 being behind me, it was a big learning curve for me, and although I get told off by Martin (I do spoil the dog) I know he’s right , and I need to be a lot firmer. If you’re having issues with your dog, K9 is the place to go. Martin and Saphy have such a good father/daughter working relationship and you can see that in the calmness and control of the pack. – Murphy’s mum Sue


I am really grateful to Martin and Saph at K9 rehabilitation. We took on 3yr old cockapoo (Harry) and had issues with him biting and he can be unpredictable with other dogs. I found Martin via our vets and he came to our home to carry out a consultation. Harry has been attending weekly boot camps since (just over 3 years now). He is a much more relaxed dog in general. Family and friends notice the change in him and I know he has become a happier dog overall. Both Martin and Saph are generous with their advice and time when I have had questions. Harry could not be more excited to go to boot camp and doesn’t even give me a backwards glance. I am not 100% sure how the change in Harry has come about but I think it is the weekly exposure to the pack which has increased his confidence and made him a bit less nervous and fearful and the guidance K9 has given us as his family to enable us to help Harry too. Thank you, Martin, and Saph, I would wholeheartedly recommend your business – Harry’s mum Nicky

We were really struggling with our dog reactive Romanian Rescue so decided to send her to K-9 once a week. The change has been remarkable. She can now be calm amongst other dogs and understands that she doesn't need to bark at every dog she walks past! – Indie’s mum Rachel


Initially signed up my 4-year French bulldog. Very high energy at home and out on walks. Terrible pulling on the lead and lunging at other dogs/ jumping up at people. Play with other dogs off lead much too excitable and often caused problems. First step was induction at the centre where he was assessed. Martin talked through Franks behaviour step by step with us which is so important because if you understand properly why your dog shows certain behaviours you understand why you need to address it in a certain way. First tackled lead walking- can honestly say a couple of changes and we turned this around within a few days. And within a couple of sessions at the centre mixing in a controlled environment with other dogs he had calmed so much both at home and out on walks. I felt so much more confident taking him out which was fantastic and he was so much better at home that when we had visitors, he had almost stopped jumping up at them completely. We have continued to send him as the socialisation he gets within the pack is so good for him and we now send our 2-year-old Yorkipoo along with him. I get home 2 tired and well-behaved dogs at the end of the day couldnt ask for more than that! Martin and Saph are also always happy to give you honest feedback on how your dog has done during the session and are happy to discuss anything you are still struggling with and give advice on how to work on it at home. 5/5 for k9! – Frank’s mum Amy


After struggling for nearly 2.5 years with a highly reactive street dog (Luca) I was at my wits end. It was like living with the Tasmanian devil and “avoidance” was my only solution. His social anxiety was a massive concern and after a routine op which took nearly 2.5 hours for sedation to work, the vet suggested he may need to be regularly medicated to balance him. I did not want to go down this avenue so I finally admitted defeat and reached out to K9 Rehabilitation. How my life has changed for the better.

With Martin and Saph’s guidance, Luca was introduced to the pack, and I honestly can’t believe how his confidence has grown in such a short time - the change in him is unbelievable. Seeing him behave like a “normal” dog, playing, bonding and loving life is just priceless. Learning from the pack has made him gain in confidence and made him more responsive to commands (he actually listens to me now!) .

I never realised how insular I had become, being the owner of a reactive dog - I feel I have been given my life back - the bond I have with Luca is even stronger, and I am so proud of how far he has come in such a short time with K9 Rehabilitation. I owe all this to Martin and Saph - their dedication and love for their clients is clearly evident. My only regret is that I didn’t reach out to them sooner!! - Luca's mum Katy

The amount of stress I endured for the first two years were unbearable until milo gained confidence with the pack and I learnt how to be a strong leader! Has changed things so much in and outside of our home!! - Milo's mum Yoshi

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